Love Noted

Demi, Nolan and Nessa have been best friends practically their whole lives. They’re the peanut butter to each other’s jelly and are there for each other through thick and thin. But how far will they go to protect each other?
Read this prequel story to introduce you to the characters in the Love Noted series.

He’s all I can think about, and I don’t even know what he looks like.

It started with a noisy neighbor and an angry note, filled with as much rage as I could cram in there. Then I got one back, and began an exciting, heated letter exchange. I can say anything I want to him because we’ll never meet. I can’t help daydreaming about what he looks like, until the man of my dreams walks into my boutique, and I’m taken on a wild ride I never expected.

I have a thing for a woman I’ve never even met.

Her notes make me laugh, and I wouldn’t say half of these things to her face, but that’s the best part. I love hiding behind the anonymous letters. No matter how bad my day is, I know I’ll have a note from my dream girl, and I crave to read those three little words at the bottom of every letter: Sincerely, F*ck You. When I start working on a new renovation, I’m pleasantly surprised by the smart and sassy manager of the boutique. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. If only the world wasn’t against us every time I try to ask her out.

Nolan’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I’ve been in love with him for just as long, except he doesn’t know that. No one knows that and I don’t plan on anyone finding out. We have to stay just friends. Nothing more.

My plan’s going great, until something unexpected happens. I need help and the only person I can turn to is Nolan. I know he’ll be there for me. He’s the one person I can always count on, but I don’t want to be a burden to him. I don’t want him to feel obligated to save me.

Demi’s my idea of perfection. I don’t date because no one will ever measure up to her. We have a love hate relationship. An outsider would think we’re enemies if they witnessed how we interact, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. She’s my world. Every night I wait for my anonymous message from her where she spills her guts to me.  It all started with Deal Loser

One bad date after another has me wondering why I even bother going on dates at all. It’s a waste of time, energy and make-up. After countless offers, I let my best friend, Ryan, set me up on a few dates. What could possibly go wrong?

Kingsley’s the only person in the world I care about. I know I’ll never find the woman of my dreams on one of these dating sites because I already found her. Except she’s my best friend, roommate, co-worker and sometimes photography assistant. When she starts to compare herself to the models we work with, I decide to offer her a free boudoir shoot to show her how beautiful she really is.

It all starts with a friendship and ends with To Whom It May Concern…